At the first mention of a building of any type, a design with four walls comes to the head. But such stereotypical thinking is completely unacceptable in the event of a unique church, which recently officially opened in the Philippines in a local town called Sebu. A distinctive and determining feature of this magnificent structure consists in the presence of a hundred walls at once! This is not a typo, no exaggeration, this is exactly what the architects working in CAZA saw the new church.
The Philippines are a very religious Catholic country, which is quite favorable to experiments, including and with regard to church architecture. Naturally, a huge number of classic temples are present in the country, which were built during the period of Spanish rule, but the prevailing majority of these structures have a completely modern form. The extraordinary formal solution is characteristic of most structures of recent times.
The walls of the structure have a mesh location and focus in one direction. If you look exclusively in one direction, then you can see nothing more than an ordinary stone barrier. The fully transparent structure of the structure will be noticeable on the back. The uniform is comparable to the infamous Garden of the Gethsemane.