Vodovіdvіdnі – drainage systems, Plikani VIDVADIT VOSUVE VOLOU Z -PID SPORUDA, ZBILACHICHICHICHY TERMIN SERVISI BUDOVA I RUBBIGAYUCHIENT IN. Systems drainage – Inszhener -Tekhnikychy, Plikani Vikonovati Zbirannya is Vidalennya. Especially important to the roller of the sovereign of drainage systems during Budinitvi spores on the weakened ґ Rountas, Shcho Zmenshchita Plaglologists PID Fundamenti Budіel. So the very non -chisel vyshtovuvati on the dilies of the sinter drops of the manifold. Vodovіdvіdni systems Zdatni Znabigati Pili Pidvaliv, Zokol, Viddatita Water Z Dorig, Pishokhіdny Dorizhok, Maidanchikov for the parking lot of Avtomobiliv. Correctly sustaining the Drainage of the buildings of the pidrimwati water balance in the genus balls ґruntu, on the flowerbeds of the I decorative Galyavins.
Vis, the constructive drainage systems to lay in Pershu Cherge VID type of water, yaki slid Vidvew (ґruntovy, Higher Vodka, Tala I Doshchova Water). Verkhovodok’s editing ґruntovi, pushahuvyuvyuvyu in the unprofitable proxim. Hollow stinks Zajaval in the periode Tanennya Snіgiv i pd hour of strong doschiv.
Rosrice of the DVI basic systems Vodovydennya – Tochkova that linіin. Tochkova system of drainage to the talikh і doschovikh waters for the vidvod. So the systems are sophisticated unproted in the mines in the mssi, the bought -up of such waters can be stolen in the dushchoprimachiv, yaki at Bazhanni can equip the siphins, vidstiyniks, SMITTYA ZBIRNIKS IT. D. Blind the doschoprimeachi, screaming with the shy decorative lattices for the reservoir to the Father, Kamіnnya, Smitty. Linіinі Vodovіdhennya Strengthened by Lotkiv, Plovachiv Pіska, Canal on Yakki Talu water water in the canaliza system system. Recommend Vikoristovati V-Ledbni Trum for half therapy of passing systems.
In the Councils of drainage systems, the universities of the il of the plastic, composite mother, concrete to the universal. Plastics drainage systems of the one is a simplicity of installation, Dovgovychniystya і Porivnyano Nizko Vartіstya. Concrete universities are seized by the vipads of the pirotynischi of the VIMOG to the MITSNOSTI systems. With sovereign systems, it is not necessary to properly plan the Teroriua for the directing of the driving to the MISTSI II Zboru I Vidvengennya.
Bilsh folded in the venerannary є drainage systems, the heads of the Yakiki є ґruntovikh waters are particularly numerous. The accumulative of such vigor in ґ Rountі is the Boti Oblovy to the natural Vidtoku at the same time. In such vipads, it is recommended to swage gliberian drainage to the gaps of drainage pipes. Suzlovani drainage triobi to the half -dimensional I composite Matereal, widely pierced pipe plastic. Sogodnі, in such systems, geotextiles gomembrany. Ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ї ’canal, in Mixi turning the pinking colony for the zbor. Monteut systems of the urahuvanni earpiece by one. With non -chute, riveted Primusov Vikachuvannya Dri Kolodyazv. For the TSO, a specialty pump for vIdkachuvannya canalize the Brudoma Dashes, drainage pumps. The main parameter of the pydbor of the pump is productive.
The constructive of the drainage systems, mother, rostashuvannya projected to be in the geologists of the geologists of the landscape mind that of the tasks of functional individuals. The valuable of the ore of the drainage systems at the Budіvnitvi spores in the lowlands, in the Miss Plizykikh to the RICHKA, de violence ґ RUNTISHIC WATERS – the natural camp ґ RUNT. With private Budіvnitvi, it is recommended to Rostashovati drainage systems on Vidstanі not closer to 1 m. VID Vimoshennya Budievel. Under the exploration of the drainage systems, it is recommended to carry out 2-3 rocks of the pure.
DIY plot drainage (SoftRock drainage system)