When planning the purchase of housing, we often take into account such a factor as the environmental friendliness of the area. But admit that this is a meaningless activity, if we take into account that the apartment itself can abound with toxic substances. It is proved that there are more harmful substances in apartments than on the street by 10 times! Sources of pollution are building materials. These are mainly polymers. They are used in almost all repair work. High toxic: formaldehydes and benzene. Varnished floors from parquet can evaporate harmful vapors into the air for up to six months.
Therefore, it is worth buying an apartment only from high -quality developers who are tested by experience, so as not to think about how to protect themselves from harmful substances, because our developers use only proven and high -quality raw materials and materials. Buy an apartment in Odessa from the developer and do not disturb about his health and safety, because the house is a fortress and this fortress should be safe.
Protect yourself using alkyd and water -based paints, applying a small number of layers. When carrying out the repair in the room, it is better not to live. Take carefully to ventilation, do not limit yourself only to the hood. Stagnant air is extremely dangerous for people allergic.
That usually creep on the floor when repairing? Carpet or linoleum. If the flooring occurs using a mastic on the solvent, it will be particularly toxic (especially this applies to rubber linoleums). Such coatings smell due to their impregnations with various solutions – fire retardants and antistatics. The softer the smell, the less the opportunity to get chemical poisoning. Natural wood parquet is a good alternative to flooring. Recently, a parquet with antibacterial impregnation has been in use. It is not only harmless, but also to some extent useful, especially if mounted in the nursery, as it contains silver ions. Take a closer look at cork tiles. It is pleasantly springing when walking and reduces the load on the spine. For clean housewives it will be pleasant to know that cork floors do not collect dust.
When pondering the repair of walls and ceiling, it is more profitable to refuse materials with a synthetic coating. It is best to use tight paper wallpapers. However, they will have to be changed once every 5 years, since when abrasion they emit paper dust, which is one of the strongest allergens.
A little about double -glazed windows. The best material for window frames is wood. Plastic windows turn yellow from time to time and with long operation distinguish harmful substances.
Take care of your own safety in your home. Require quality certificates for all building materials. Most often ventilate. Make flowers at home, they do not poorly clean the atmosphere.