You can satisfy the consumer demand for accessible residential real estate by building a typical layout, with a cost of one square meter at a level of about 300 square meters.
And to ennoble the houses, you can use metal products and metal structures, represented by /. True, such an option is available to those who are being built in the Donetsk region.
In accordance with the data presented by the State Statutes of the country, for this period of time in Ukraine, more than 1 million families need to improve its living conditions. If the pace of provision of housing to all waiting list from the state will remain, then the current demand regarding the purchase of apartments can be fully satisfied only over the next 150 years. This will become possible subject to mass construction of affordable housing. Such construction will provide all those who wish their own apartments during the next 25 years.
The relevant information was announced by Dmitry Tretyakov, chairman of the All -Ukrainian association of employers and organizations working in the field of construction. This provision will become possible with a cost of a square meter at a level of not more than $ 300. The implementation of this possibility will be real exclusively subject to the formation of a fundamentally new model to provide housing for all the waiting list. The most acceptable development path for the whole country is to adopt the experience of Western countries. In these countries, the affordable real estate of the type is submitted for lease use for all citizens of the country for a period that exceeds 10 years.
On the territory of the same UK, the USA, Great Britain, the practice of living in such rental housing is common, but the cost of living for them does not exceed 30 percent of the income of the whole family. A similar program is now being considered in Russia.